Gold Hill Digital Can Build Gorgeous, Responsive Websites That Adapt To Changes

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Your website should do the heavy lifting for you. It should convert browsing visitors into paying customers.

Does having a properly optimized website even matter? What wrong with the one I have?

The job of a well designed website is to inform the reader and hold attention. If you want to stand out from your competition. Your brands message should be clearly communicated along side your offer and services. Visitors don’t have to just hear the all talk, they can see testimonials, credentials, and a display of past projects. The average attention span now a days is somewhere around 8.5 seconds. It’s important to design a site that is visually pleasing as well as easy to find what you need. Statistically, it’s important to have an informative site for your business. It should be designed elegantly for user experience no matter how the user is interacting with the site.

Basically over half of every google search is looking for local information.

Studies have shown that 3 in 5 people using their smartphone to search will contact a business if the website is mobile friendly. (Source Hubspot).

The point of your website is to make it easy to connect you to your customer base and drive sales. These sales could be in the form of products. Your goal may be to funnel leads to services that causes people to set appointments. You may have a form that geared for requesting quotes, the result would be a quick callback from as sales team.

There are many different types of devices people use to search for you. They could be browsing on a smartphone, tablet or a computer desktop.

For example, go look at this website on another type of device. You will notice that it will adjust proportionately to your device screen size. Likewise you can adjust the window size if you’re on a desktop and see this same effect in realtime. Some of the elements may change from a phone number to a call button. These are very handy features that we strategically place on the screen so they are closer to the users thumb. Gold Hill Digital will design your website to be responsive on any device.

An adaptive website creates a better user experience for you and your customers. Your website will adjust to fit any screen size out there.

You’ll notice the elements on the screen will snap down into place.

Google is constantly optimizing for mobile phones. More and more people will be searching for local services via mobile. One of the ranking factors that google uses now is the quality of user experience on mobile. In other words, the mobile friendly sites take precedence over non mobile friendly sites. The key to future proofing your business on the web is having a responsive, adaptive website design. the site you have now may be years old and seem “good enough” to you in all of its rust covered glory. The truth is, while not updating your site in the long run saves you money, you stand to lose waay more by not having a properly optimized site. One that displays on page #1 for the services you offer. Not displaying to smart phone users is a liability not an asset – leaving money on the table for your competitors to scoop up. Those same potential customers will find their site and not yours.